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Congratulation to Sveinung Hole

Sveinung Hole er oppnevnt som leder av HelseOmsorg21-rådet. Rådet skal bidra til at helse og omsorgstjenestene i landet skal nyttiggjøre seg forskningsresultater og innovasjon. Sveinung Hole er styreleder i TFS. Les mer her


Congratulation to Marit Reigstad

Gratulerer med det viktige vervet, Marit Reigstad som medlem i Norsk ekspertgruppe for Havforskningstiåret. Marit er også styremedlem i Tromsø forskningsstiftelse. Les mer her.

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UiT and TFS continue to focus on women’s sports

UiT and TFS continue to focus on women's sports We want to increase our knowledge of how hormonal fluctuations affect training response and performance development, says research leader Boye Welde. Today, research results from men's studies are the basis for finding the best training methods in endurance


Invitation to TFS annual ceremony 2019

TFS invites all interested parties to the annual celebration with the announcement and celebration of new awards. TFS and UiT have for several years collaborated on competence building, investment in infrastructure and various thematic initiatives. TFS was established by Trond Mohn on March 28, 2007. The

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Female Fotball Centre

- The main goal is to gain fundamental insights into what affects the performance and overall health of female elite players, and to interpret the findings so that Norwegian and international women's football can reach new sporting heights with healthy players, says research leader Svein

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The Mohn Prize 2020 – call for nominations

UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Academia Borealis - The Academy of Sciences and Letters of Northern Norway, and Tromsø Research Foundation welcome nominations for The International Mohn Prize for Outstanding Research Related to the Arctic (The Mohn Prize). The prize, which carries a cash

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Congratulation Eva-Stina Edholm!

TFS Starting Grant Winner 2017, Eva-Stina Edholm, recently was awarded a grant from the Resarch Counsil of Norway in the category Aquaculture Research (HAVBRUK). The program received 42 proposals and 10 of them were funded. Eva-Stina Edholm is also one of many talented young participants in


Congratulations Cordian Riener!

TFS and BFS Mathematics Starting Grant winner Cordian Riener recently were awarded a partnership grant in Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN). The consortium of scientists will investigating the development of new algebraic and geometric methods combined with computer algebra techniques for global non-linear optimization problems.

Foto: David Jensen

Congratulations Kathrin Helen Hopmann!

TFS Stating Grant winner 2016, Kathrin H. Hopmann were late 2017 awarded support for a large consortium supported by NordForsk; Nordic Consortium for CO2 convension. The Consortium started in 2018. The Nordic Consortium for CO2 Conversion (NordCO2) is a network for Nordic researchers working on chemical CO2 conversion in the Nordic countries. In

Andreia Plaza-Faverola Foto: David Jensen/UiT

Congratulations Andreia Plaza-Faverola!

TFS Starting Grant Winner 2018, Andreia Plaza-Faverola, recently received a grant from the Research Council of Norway in the category "young research talent". Tromsø Research Foundation will congratulate and wish you luck with your new project! UiT's second award in the same category went to Krishna