
Foto: UiT


TFS does not accept applications with a general focus on building infrastructure, and there are no plans to do so. TFS can, however, provide funding for infrastructure if it is part of a larger thematic commitment or reinforces an existing commitment. Such requests should begin with a dialogue amongst the foundation and current collaborators, followed by a multi-step process that may lead to an invitation to deliver an application regarding the proposed topic. All applications to TFS has to be anchored at the appropriate UiT leadership level and will be evaluated by independent experts.

Software to 3T MR installation
Thomas Angell Augdal
Røntgenavd, UNN
Period: 2016-2017

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Upgrade of CT and a competence project
Trude Sildnes
Røntgenavd, Finnmarksykehuset
Period: 2016-2017

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Foto: Idrettshøgskolen/UiT

From top sports level to publich health
Arnfinn Andersen
Idrettshøgskolen, Helsefak
Period: 2016-2017

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Jeanette Hammer Andersen
NFH, BFE-fak
Marbio – an analysis platform for bioprospecting
Period: 2017-2018

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Jørgen Berge
AMB, BFE-fak
Arctic ABC Fjord
Period: 2017-2019

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Shona Wood
AMB, BFE-fak
Instrument infrastructure for post-genomic technologies
Period: 2017-2018

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Matthias Forwick, Mette Svenning
iC3 (SFF), Dept of Geosciences
ICOM: Ice-Cold Microorganisms Environmental laboratory
Period: 2017-2018  (extended to 2023)

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