Centre for New Antibacterial Strategies (CANS)
– A new strategic research initiative at UiT

Ansvarlig: Arnfinn Sundsfjord
Størrelse på bevilgning: 18 MNOK
Varighet på prosjekt: 2019 – 2025

Video about CANS

Centre for new antibacterial strategies (CANS) is a new, interdisciplinary centre at UiT The Arctic
University of Norway, for research, education, innovation and dissemination related to antimicrobial
resistance (AMR). CANS currently involves 16 research groups located at three faculties. Research
cover topics within marine bioprospecting – identification and characterization of new antibacterial
activities, design and synthesis of new antibiotics and resistance inhibitors, the evolution and
molecular epidemiology of AMR, host-microbe-drug interactions as well as antibiotic stewardship.
CAN’s vision is to help create a future where antibiotic resistance can be controlled. The main goal is
to generate knowledge for new sustainable strategies in the prevention and treatment of bacterial
infections that minimize the development of antibiotic resistance and maintain microbiome integrity.

Media coverage:

Antibiotikaresistens, en trussel mot folkehelsen?, 18.11.2019, Verdensteateret, Tromsø
Kampen mot sykehusets skrekk: Klebsiella pneumoniae, 06.12.2019, NRK radio P2, Ekko
Hvem vinner menneskene eller bakteriene, 06.12.2019, NRK radio P2,
Forskere i nord samles til krig mot antibiotikaresistens, Norsk Farmaceutisk Tidsskrift, 1/2020